Candlight and Winter ScaVentures!

Winter time at Israel ScaVentures means fun and games for all the family!  This year you can participate on one of our highly acclaimed Jerusalem Scavenger Hunt routes, or you can venture beyond Jerusalem to enjoy one of our other amazing Israel ScaVentures!

Over Thanksgiving, Chanukah, December and Yeshiva vacations 2017/8 we will be ScaVenturing nonstop- so bring your family and friends and join in the fun!

Open Scavenger Hunts Schedule – prescheduled on specific routes. There are usually ideal for 2-10 participants:

*Old City Scavenger Hunt – 24 Nov 2017 9:30am

*Old City Candlelight Scavenger Hunt AND Nachlaot Candlelight Scavenger Hunt– 17 Dec 2017 5:15pm
*Old City Scavenger Hunt – 29th December 2017 9:30am
*Shuk Gallery Scavenger Hunt – 22 January 2018 8:00pm
*Old City Scavenger Hunt – 23 January 2018 10:00am
*Rainy Day Scavenger Hunt – to be scheduled according to the weather!


Group Scavenger Hunts – Can be booked ALL YEAR ROUND on any of our routes at your convenience (book early to avoid disappointment). These are usually ideal for 10 or more participants.

*Old City Scavenger Hunt
*Nachlaot Scavenger Hunt
*Windmill Dash
*Shuk Dash
*Tzfat Scavenger Hunt
*Jerusalem Watchman Scavenger Hunt
*Zichron Scavenger Hunt
*Tel Aviv Scavenger Hunt
*Jaffa Scavenger Hunt

If you’re celebrating a Bar or Bat Mitzvah in Israel, be in touch to hear about our Bar/Bat Mitzvah programs and BM ScaVentures!

For more info and to make a booking for winter scaventures be in touch via our website!